Friday, April 8, 2011



This post will be the first of many chronicling my research. I'm going to examine the usage and purpose of magical realism in One Hundred Years of Solitude.

Why this book? Because I LOVE it! It's a wonderfully written novel and is an iconic representation of Latin America. Not only is it enjoyable, but serves a specific purpose in chronicling the events of Colombia's history in a way that makes it palatable to a wide readership.

With the following quote in mind, I can only hope for success in my endeavor:
"Cien Años de Soledad (One Hundred Years of Solitude) is easier read than written about. In large measure, this is due to the constant use of techniques which keep the novel supercharged with interest. Everything in this novel is affected, plot, incident, character, style." (Mose 185)

As the blogging continues, please comment and let me know what you think!


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